Running from insanity

The voices around me
Are driving me insane
Empty cartons of people
Fussing about futile things
Only talking because the silence
Is unbearable; maddening.

And my mind tends to abscond away,
Far from this world that trite, bland
To the lands where the people are valiant
And the water one shade lighter
Than in this world of plain gray.

Tales behind the tunes…

Music is one thing that has the most control over a persons life. One lyric and you’re enjoying yourself and the other you’re breaking down. Especially, love songs. The sad ones make you not want to ever be in love. They make the concept of love sound like the worst thing that could possibly ever happen to you. Then again, theres the happy ones. The ones  that make you crave it again. That make you want someone to hold you and tell you they love you and that you’re the one that makes their day. That make you want to feel love again. It’s like an addiction. You don’t know what its like to want it until you try it for the first time. The first time you fall in love, it changes you. It makes you experience things you never thought you could possibly feel. And once it breaks you and you fall out of it, sooner or later, you wan’t it again, you want the security and the comfort love brings. You want the love. And now, you will not settle for anything less. Because you cant bear to take any more heartbreak.

Just those little things we remember to forget…

I think weddings are pretty. I think old couples are adorable. I think the sea speaks different volumes to every single person in sight. I think people leave, and it hurts, but eventually you’ll see the light. I think pain changes you, and you’ll figure its for the better. I think little kids cuddling with their parents is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. I think your pet dog jumping on you as soon as you get home is the best welcome one can get. I think its good to have days when you feel pretty. I think we make life seem much harder than what it already is. When God takes something away from you, he always has a plan to give you something better. Every ending, is a new beginning. 

Coz, even a little candle deserves a great honour…

Coz, even a little candle deserves a great honour...

This Diwali, the festival of lights and happiness, take out a minute and pray for those who are not with us and the ones who are, pray for the happiness and sanity of every being.. Lit a candle in the darkness of today’s society and spread light, awareness and love.
Love has the power to move mountains and break every boundary.
Happy Diwali to all my readers. Play safe. Have fun! 🙂

Lots of love. Xx


There comes a time in your life when you finally get it … When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out “ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on.” And, like a child quitting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world from a new perspective.
You realize that it is time to stop hoping and waiting for something or someone to change, or for happiness safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the fact that there aren’t always fairytale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of “happily ever after” must begin with you. Then a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.

So you begin making your way through the “reality of today” rather than holding out for the “promise of tomorrow.” You realize that much of who you are and the way you navigate through life is, in great part, a result of all the social conditioning you’ve received over the course of a lifetime. And you begin to sift through all the nonsense you were taught about.. Slowly you begin to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And you begin re-assessing and re-defining who you are and what you really believe in. And you begin to discard the doctrines you have outgrown, or should never have practised to begin with..

You accept the fact that you are not perfect ,and that not everyone will love appreciate or approve of who or what you are… and that’s OK… they are entitled to their own views and opinions. And, you come to terms with the fact that you will never be a size 5 or a “perfect 10″…. Or a perfect human being for that matter… and you stop trying to compete with the image inside your head or agonizing over how you compare. And, you take a long look at yourself in the mirror and you make a promise to give yourself the same unconditional love and support you give so freely to others. Then a sense of confidence is born of self-approval.

Silent Mumbling..

The language of calm

The indicator of loneliness
The casting out of one
From the larger group

The strongest form of communication
Known to man
And also the most humbling
The most sinister
The most debilitating

From a friend or dear one
When no words are said
Not even the raise of an eyebrow
It engenders worry, fear, panic…
Abject terror at such potential loss

So little said
No words, no sound
And yet the pain
That can be caused by nothing
Is indescribable….

The Nobody.

For what’s it worth,
We desperately want ourselves,
To be remembered,
To be loved,
To be beloved to somebody else.

In the end.
We are only somebody.
To somebody who really cares.
As to the rest,
We are nobody but everybody.

# Its this vicious cycle of the person you love not loving you back, but the person who is nobody, loves you like crazy!


I can feel the burning inside my stomach
As it thrives each coming day
Because everyday their screams become louder
When I can no longer endure to be the prey

I close my eyes tight
Seeing the pictures that I refuse to let out
They are like a scar forever residing in my mind.
But I cannot open my eyes for fear these creatures will doubt.

The shrieks of help does not cease
As I try and block out their scarring sounds
From my no longer innocent mind
That knows no longer any bounds

The fulfilment never comes
As I descend into my desires
Only when I seize to dream a life of independence
Do I see myself reaching those aspires

But is it this affliction
That leads me to my depression
Or is it those unforgotten memories
Which has forced me to my incarceration?

A shower of awards!!

Its a good day when you know you are filled with love from others around you.

I am honored to receive so many awards from one of the most talented writer, Joe from I am for change. . A simple thank you cant possibly show how grateful and thankful I feel to have you as a follower. To have you constantly nominate me for awards is a great honor. They say a picture speaks a thousand words so there you go!! =D










Okay, time for the awards now…












Influential Blogger!

Influential Blogger!












































#Phew! thanks again Joe!

The nominees for these blogging awards are,

1) Ben Naga

2) Neeraj- Pieces

3) Wise Journey$

4) Frommymusings2U

5) bwthoughts

6) WilhelminaUpton

7)  Thoughts on my bookshelf 

8) A stranger to heaven and earth

9) Random average girl

10) Gray poet

Now, according to the rules.. Here are few things about me!

  • I love white chocolate. 
  • I’m too obsessed with ‘Tomorrowland’
  • I am in love with Ian Somerhalder.
  • I just write when I am sad, over thinking or confused.
  •  I am very emotional.

#Now to post and inform people of nominations! Get a cup of tea and read these blogs of nomination! Enjoy!!